Tuesday, September 14, 2010


So, I didn't want to put any pictures on my blog before my sister did but I have a new nephew!!!!  Clark Everett Broadbent was born on September 5th!  So being the big sister and all...I had to venture to Texas to meet him.  He is so so so cute!  Kalina is doing great after having the little guy.  I feel like mothering has come so natural to her.  She seemed to know exactly what to do.  Unlike me...I was so akward with the little guy.  But maybe when its your own, you know just what to do.  Daddy Steve is so cute with him.  We went to church with him on sunday and he was telling everyone he knew about his new little son. Its so exciting to see all these cute families growing.  I have to say though...I am pretty sure I have the cutest nephews alive!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Kalina! I'm glad you were able to go down and meet him too. What a beautiful boy!
    And I'm going to invite you to my blog tonight!
