Thursday, September 29, 2011


We may have found the 5th baby in the family with allergies!  My POOTIE!  He always it scratching himself and pulling out his hair and I didn't think much of it but David was looking around on the internet and seems to think it may be food allergies!  We have been researching it a lot and come to find out, lots of small breeds of dogs especially maltipoos get food allergies.  So we trapsed down to the pet store and bought some deliciously expensive dog food and some shampoo that is hypo-allergenic and natural for his delicate skin. David even went as far as shaving the poor baby's hair completely off!  (he needs a little practice in dog grooming =] ) The website says to stay away from dog food that has corn, wheat and soy.  So we will try it out for awhile and see if that cures all the itching and biting out of hair.  It must be a Scherbel thing.  What is up with all the food allergies??? I think Kalina said it best when she told me that "we're like toxic disease vessels spewing food allergies wherever we go."

1 comment:

  1. How sad and funny, all at the same time. Hopefully the new food helps out.
