Sunday, August 28, 2011


Well everyone at the Peterson household has something that is ailing them this week.
Our pootie was riding in the back of uncle Jeffrey's truck when he decided to jump out while riding at a swift speed of 35.  We did not see it happen but pretty sure he took a rough tumble on the gravel on the road.  He had some good road rash all along his left side.  Right next to his eye had a big scrape and bruise, his elbow was a little cut and bleeding, he had some good road rash on his little body on the left side, his knee got a big gash and a good chunk of skin was missing and he was bleeding pretty good from it, and his little chin and nose were skinned up really good.  He was a little tender for a day after it happened and was really babying his leg but he it back to normal and scabbing over quite nicely.  What a nut!!  I think he learned his lesson and will not be riding in the back of a truck bed anymore. At least we learned our lessons not to let him back there.  
 David got an ear infection. He has such small cute ears (furline ears as the nurse called them) that wax likes to build up in there and trap water causing infection. His ear is really swollen and painful to the touch. 
 I decided to go and get skin cancer....sorry for the gross picture.  I had this red spot growing on me for a year or so and finally decided to go check it out.  They scraped a good chunk off the top and sent it to the lab.  2 weeks later, I got a phone was cancer!  Basal Cell Carcinoma.  So I had to go back to the doctor.  All they kept saying was..."she's so young!"  So he told me I had 2 options. He could dig a little and freeze then dig more then freeze then dig more and freeze and be left with a big scar...or they could give me some cream to put on for 6 weeks and it would kill it all..  I opted for the cream. All that digging and burning was not very appealing.  So I am on my journey to becoming a cancer survivor!  I have to go back in 3 months to make sure it is all gone.  What a week for the Petersons!!!


  1. What an eventful week! I'm sure the cancer diagnosis made your heart skip a beat. My neighbor uses the cream and it works well for her. She's done 3 rounds in different places in the last 2 years.

  2. Thank goodness for cream! Wow, sounds like a rough week!
