Tuesday, September 14, 2010


So, I didn't want to put any pictures on my blog before my sister did but I have a new nephew!!!!  Clark Everett Broadbent was born on September 5th!  So being the big sister and all...I had to venture to Texas to meet him.  He is so so so cute!  Kalina is doing great after having the little guy.  I feel like mothering has come so natural to her.  She seemed to know exactly what to do.  Unlike me...I was so akward with the little guy.  But maybe when its your own, you know just what to do.  Daddy Steve is so cute with him.  We went to church with him on sunday and he was telling everyone he knew about his new little son. Its so exciting to see all these cute families growing.  I have to say though...I am pretty sure I have the cutest nephews alive!

Monday, September 6, 2010


For Labor Day weekend, we came up to Bountiful to see Chris take out his endowments at the bountiful temple.  It was such a great experience.  I was able to be Karlee's escort which was kind of cool.  His family was there and so was ours.  He was so excited and we are so excited for him.
We of course got to play with the cutest boys on the planet.  We did a lot of swinging and jumping on the trampoline and playing with cars.  David was so super cute with Caden pushing him on the swing.  I had to post a picture of that.  He made Caden laugh so loud.

We stopped by my parents new house that they are working on to see what they have been doing and my dad was tearing down the hill with his new toy.  I made David try it out.  I think he had fun trying to tear down the hill.
This is their house.  It will look so good when it is done.  It is a HUGE project but they are good at it and enjoy it.
One more super exciting thing happened this weekend but I don't want to post anything just yet.....its not my story to tell until it is announced!  So stay tuned......