So I think we had the funnest honeymoon ever. We were able to take a 6 day cruise to the caribbean. Here is the map to where we cruised.

We left on a Sunday evening and flew til morning. Our ship departed florida monday evening and we cruised until the next saturday morning. Let me tell you, if you do not want to plan a vacation and want people to wait on you hand and foot this is the vacation to go on. Cruises are so much fun.
The first 2 days we were at sea. We swam, we ate, we went to shows, we were in shows, we ate some more (i think we both gained a few pounds), we explored the ship, then you guessed it...we ate some more. Here are some pictures we took on the ship.
This is one of the pools we swam in one day. This is my hot sexy husband!
So i guess on a cruise, every night your room cleaner people make your towels into different animals. So I took pictures of them all. They are very creative.
The third day we docked at Georgetown in the Grand Cayman Islands. I really wanted to go play with the stingrays. We had not planned any shore excursions because they were so expensive but as soon as you walk off the ship, you are bombarded by people that want to take you places for cheap, so we hopped in a van and they drove us to a ferry where we got on and ferried out to where you can play with stingrays. It was so cool! There were so many of them. So we each got to hold them and play with them. If you rub their bellies, they cuddle up to you. They are surpisingly very calm things unless you step on their tails or something or threaten them. These people also let us feed them. So I got a picture of David feeding one. It sucked so hard on him that it left a little red mark. We also went snorkeling. I saw a big yellow eel inbetween some rock and there were lots of colorful fish we could see.
It was so beautiful there. I would love to go back someday.
The next day we docked in Cozumel, Mexico. The water there was extremely clear. It looked like a swimming pool. It was so pretty there. We walked around and looked at all the shops and bought souveniers then we rented a scooter and drove around the island. We wanted to see some ancient mayan ruins so we hopped on and started driving. We sort of got lost and somehow made it to the other side of the island where we found a "naked beach." We did not see any naked people so we weren't sure if it was a joke or for real. We stopped to eat for some authentic mexican food and it was so worth it. It was so so good!
We finally found the ruins and they were small yet pretty cool.
There were iguanas all over Grand Caymans and Mexico. They were all various sizes. It was cool to see them everywhere!

After we saw the ruins, we drove back into town and walked around the little shops again and played in the ocean for a minute before we had to return back to the ship. The water was amazing!
The next 2 days were at sea again on our way back to Florida. We think we drank or ate something bad because we were sick the last day of the cruise. We were sad to see the cruise end but glad to get back to reality. It was so much fun and we made so many friends. Dinners were fun because they had put all the honeymooners at one table. There were 5 couple including us that had all gotten married on May 15. So it was fun to learn about them and how they met and hear all about their weddings. We were so thankful to have the opportunity to go on this fun cruise.